Last weekend we took Annie to the slopes. Well, O.K., to a small incline with some snow on it that was near the mountain. We had tried last year, but at 2 1/2 she just wasn’t ready. Fair enough.
Mostly Markus and I wanted her to have a positive experience with skiing, so we put her in a private lesson. It went great. The teacher had children of her own and had obviously done this many times. She came well-equipped with a bad of gummies, tossing one in Annie’s mouth like a seal every time she completed the 2 second descent.
Even though it was a foggy and cold day (so pictures are a bit fuzzy), Annie spent 40 minutes going up and down with the instructor and felt very proud of herself when it was over.
Now if only Mama can get this hang of this skiing thing, it will be a great family outting for years to come.