I was scrolling through our photos with Annie and cousin Lili the other day, and came across this video again. I didn’t post it before, because the quality isn’t very good. And also because the big pile of recycling and unruly wire nest in the background makes it look like we live in a ready-to-be-condemned hovel, which isn’t true (most of the time).
But this is just too cute not to share. I took this video a few months ago when Annie started singing this song, unprompted, one day at the dinner table. Annie now knows “Apfelmus” inside and out, so I’m glad I captured it when she was still struggling to remember the words. You can just see her little brain working hard. Melts my heart every time.
Apfelmus Mommy! from Hillary Samson on Vimeo.
And in another cute Annie moment, here is the girl preparing to take over running the hotel whenever we are ready for a break.