I keep forgetting that Annie is seven. In my mind, when I talk to people, sign her up for programs, she is still six. Seven sounds so old. So grown up.

Not that I don’t have reminders. “I’m 7 Mom…you don’t have to remind me to brush my teeth or brush my hair!” If only.

Annie’s birthday party was excellent. We decided to squeeze the last out of our Vancouver Aquarium membership and had the birthday there. Easy peasy for the parents and the kids had a blast. My favourite part was the back-of-house tour where the public is usually not allowed to go. We saw aquariums full of dozens of kinds of jelly fish, which is the current exhibit. Then the kids were allowed to hold and touch different sea creatures.



Annie’s favourite part was feeding the fish in the main tank, a privilege only for the birthday girl.

Getting ready to feed the fish
Getting ready to feed the fish

This was definitely a great party.

Learning about penguins
Learning about penguins
And the penguins
These penguins
Recently rescued seals
Recently rescued seals


They even provided the cake!
They even provided the cake!

Her actual birthday a couple of days later started out with breakfast in bed (Dad made the heart-shaped pancake), opening presents and then heading off to school with brownies to share with the class.

Birthday breakfast in bed has become a family tradition.
Birthday breakfast in bed has become a family tradition.

We had dinner with Rebecca, who gave Annie a yellow child-size ukelele. (Rebecca is focused on music right now and she plays several instruments well. She also writes scores for her orchestra…I’m so impressed!) Annie has asked to take ukelele lessons, which we’ll try to work into the busy schedule. With her constantly singing and making up songs, I think ukelele/guitar would be a good fit.

It was a fabulous birthday all around. Now I just have to get used to the fact that I have a funny, curious, beautiful 7-year-old…with more than a little bit of sass.

IMG 0578 from Across The Water on Vimeo.