New Year’s Day 2013

It was a gorgeous first day of the new year. Bright and crisp, with an all-too-rare sun shining strongly. We all spent some time outdoors walking, running and playing.

Nana and a toothless Annie

Near to home I snapped this shot:

January 1 and the magnolia trees are already trying to bloom. What sweetness.

There was also a great deal of lazing about, which always adds to a good day at this house.

I can’t believe how quickly the holidays have gone, with Mom/Nana and Grandpa Drew being here, Christmas and activities with my brother and his family, and a few good ski days. I guess that is always the way.

Tomorrow is the start of my four-month stint of very full workweeks. I’m actually quite excited about it. I look forward to getting to know the small company of new people, as well as learning from a woman entrepreneur who has run a successful web development company for 12 years. Impressive.

The new year also brought good news about my Dad, who has been in the hospital in Phoenix since before Christmas. He seems to be on the mend and we hope he is back home soon.

An excellent start to what I feel will be a great year ahead.