Well, I thought that we would be done with the sunnier weather a couple of weeks ago, but the last few days have been bright and clear. So on Sunday we decided to go for a hike.
Markus hadn’t been up this particular mountain before, and when he scouted it on the website, it said 60 minutes. That usually means 60 adult minutes, so often at least 80 kid minutes. Well, up we went. And up. And up. We didn’t check exactly when we left, but it was well over an hour and half hiking. And Annie made it almost the whole way, with only about 10 minutes on Dad’s shoulders. (She is heavy and that just doesn’t really work for a long time anymore!) I was super impressed. She talked, non-stop, for well over 2 hours. But Markus and I were there to spell each other off for the response part of the conversation and it got her up to the top.
There isn’t much Annie likes better than running down a hill. However, after 15 minutes of running and waiting and running and waiting, she did manage to get a blister. There was therefore some complaining back to the car, but I’ll take it for a good workout and a day in the fresh air.
I was so surprised that there were still baby sheep and goats on the hills….aren’t they supposed to be born in Spring? Anyway, they were super cute! As were Markus and Annie, of course.
Wow … the scenery is so beautiful. I’m enjoying hearing from you every day. First chance I’ve had to read since last week Wednesday when we officially moved. Other than the floor which needs to be refinished (which means moving out of the house for 2 nights … lovely), our new home is amazing. Bye 4 now … Lori