What a crazy, wonderful, exhausting month! After packing and moving not only the apartment but also an entire 40-year old business at the end of April, Annie and I left Markus with a whole bunch of work and took off across the water to spend two weeks in Winnipeg. It was a great trip and more details will come…with pictures of course. We were home for only a few days, trying to recover from jet lag and unpack more boxes (although Markus had made spectacular progress while we were away.) Then Markus and I jetted off to Paris to celebrate Ryan and Renata’s wedding (also more details forthcoming) while Annie had the time of her life with Opa back in Innsbruck. I arrived back today and am so, so giddy to be in my own lovely (and soon-to-be settled) home.
To add to the interesting times, when I left for Paris Annie was three and when I got back she was four. I was so excited to see Annie I had butterflies the whole subway/plane/train ride home. My girl is four! It is an amazing age. I have such great fun and laughter with her. Markus and Annie picked me up at the train station and after hugs and kisses I heard about the birthday adventures to date. Kindergarten makes a big deal of birthdays with a cake and cards and a present, so all was well in her world. As she said on the car ride home…”Mom, I love being four!”
Family birthday is tomorrow and kids birthday has been pushed back a couple of weeks due to best friend Chloe being out of town. So there will be more stories and pictures to come.
Happy Birthday my beautiful girl. You are very, very loved.

when Robyn turned four, she started the day wide away with a song… “I’m 4, I’m 4, today I’m 4!!!….. I’m never ‘gonna’ be 3 again”.
just as clear in my head as if it happened yesterday. my baby is now 17.