Well, we had a solid offer on the house, which we have accepted yesterday. We dropped the price by a good lot, because all indications are that the spring is going to be even worse than now.
So, of course, part of me is relieved that we can check this off the list and can pay off some of our bills. But I am also experiencing a fairly large amount of angst over this. Interesting.
I’m sure that this is partly because we had to sell for about $100,000 less than what was going to be our ‘bottom price’ only 7 months ago. It is so close that it is hard not to do the woulda coulda shoulda thing. If we had only dropped the price in the spring, we would likely have at least an extra $50,000 in our pockets right now. Ah well, 20/20 hindsight and all that.
But I am also feeling (perhaps irrationally) like my most tangible connection to Canada has been severed. I guess that (without realizing it) I had in the back of my mind that if things didn’t work out here we would just move back to the house and go from there. With the house gone, everything seems like a bigger decision. Even visiting Victoria becomes more of a challenge. I know, I know that we could always move back and rent a place. But somehow that is different.
And of course it is really hitting me that I won’t be seeing the place again where Annie was born and did all of her ‘firsts’, where Rebecca spent so many years growing up, where Narnia brought in that snake…oh right, that I’d like to forget. As you all know, I wasn’t even in love with our condo, and yet I still feel sadness over seeing it go. As I say, interesting.
Everything else is still up in the air (the Aerie, The Hotel), so it is nice to have one major event (hopefully) behind us. And all of these financial issues have started to make me think about working again. Susi (sister-in-law) let me know that there are a couple of positions in the Marketing department of Swarovski that require a business degree and no other language other than English. And Markus discovered that there is at least one business college that teaches all of their courses in English (although I think I might need a PhD to apply there.) It is making me think hard about what I want to do. I’ll keep you updated.
On the home front, I am still sick as a dog. I forgot to take my ColdFX this morning and almost didn’t make it through class. I dare any of you to try to conjugate verbs in a foreign language when your head is full of cold and throat is blazing sore. Good times. My pharmacist friend from school, Ana, has a homeopathic remedy she is bringing me tomorrow that I really, really hope does the trick. I have so much fun in these classes and am feeling like I am making some progress, so I want to be mentally as well as physically present the rest of the week. I know my family in Vancouver are also suffering from various illness. I wish all of them, and you, good health.
i would like to think this is the beginning of a whole lot of good news.
Hugs to all.
Oh I feel for you Hillary. I totally understand the conflicting emotions. I too hope this is the start of good new happenings. I really believe that ‘the only way out is through’ so ride those emotions as they come.
And I have two spare rooms and a play space just waiting for you whenever you fly home. I’m emotionally invested in you still considering Victoria your home in Canada. So I’ll do whatever is needed to make you comfortable here. Queen matress – no split down the middle!
Thinking of you!
I’m with you on the emotions about the house. I only moved 1.2 kms away and I still feel sad. Elliot was born while were living there, Amy as well. We got married near the house, etc. etc. It’s going to take me a while before I don’t feel sad when I think of that house.
Hang in there.
Dear Hillary,
I was at the same age like you now. when I had to make my biggest decision – to stay in Moscaw without job (it was november/december 2001)and wait or go back home for a new begining. Both were bad.
But, only now, after 7 years, I can realize that all that bad thinks brought me good.
I hope you will tell me the same in near future.
I really appreciate that you share with me your feelings.
deine Ana